
Customer Experience Perspectives (8th May 2017)

Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Experience Perspectives (8th May 2017)

This edition of Customer Experience Perspectives features some of the best resources compiled by our analyst team for busy customer experience professionals like yourself!

Let us know your suggestions and any useful articles we may have missed.

The Sound Of Success: Building A Customer Experience That Gets The Subtle Things Right

The customer experience is made up of elements that are subtle, easy to get wrong, and powerful in their effect. These include color, light, smell, taste, texture, and sound. In this article, the author has shared his personal experience on his recent visit to hotel. To know more about how sound effects impacts on customer experience, you must read this article.

Improving Customer Experience Through Customer Data

Why does customer experience (CX) matter? In the digital marketplace, customers are even more demanding than ever before. More than half of customers today say they’ve switched companies solely because of poor user experiences. Companies who fail to embrace CX as a strategic path to growth won’t just be lagging; they’ll get left behind. To know more about the importance of customer experience, you must read this article.

Wasting Time Is the Worst Customer Experience

Reducing the amount of time a customer has to spend is one of the best ways to enhance the customer experience. The essence of digital is speed. Customers are obsessed with saving time. Those organizations who save customers’ time are like digital magnets. These days, customers are also obsessed with saving money. They go to the web to research, to compare, to find the best deal. To know more about how wasting time can impact customer experience, you must read this article.

4 Simple Churn Reduction Strategies for Your Subscription Box

Churn is a measure of attrition – the rate at which you lose subscribers. For a subscription business, churn is your main enemy. Actively reducing churn & keeping subscribers on for longer periods of time should be a core goal. At times though, it can feel like there’s nothing you can do to curb churn. Where should you start? In this article, you will find 4 strategies and 2 best practices related to churn. By implementing these, you can start to impact the churn of your subscription business.

Five Lessons From United Airlines About Handling A Customer Experience Gone Bad

Unless you live under a rock, you are most likely aware of United Airlines most recent misstep. A passenger who had boarded a plane was involuntarily bumped, asked to leave his seat and then was forcefully removed. The incident involving passenger Dr. David Dao has gone viral. There is public outcry and protests have begun. From this incident, we can learn five lessons customer experience gone terribly bad. To know more read this article.

We hope you have enjoyed this edition of Customer Experience Perspectives!

Be sure to respond in the comments, tweet us at VOZIQ, or follow us on LinkedIn.