
Customer Experience Perspectives (3rd July 2017)

Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Experience Perspectives (3rd July 2017)

This edition of Customer Experience Perspectives features some of the best resources compiled by our analyst team for busy customer experience professionals like yourself!

Let us know your suggestions and any useful articles we may have missed.

How to Integrate Data and Analytics into Every Part of Your Organization – Harvard Business Review

Many conversations about data and analytics (D&A) start by focusing on technology. Having the right tools is critically important, but too often executives overlook or underestimate the significance of the people and organizational components required to build a successful D&A function. To know more about D&A Capabilities and Strategy plan, read this article.

93% of Payers, Providers Say Predictive Analytics are the Future – HealthITAnalytics

Healthcare organizations will not be able to navigate the financial and clinical challenges of the future without investing in predictive analytics tools, said  more than 90% of respondents.To know more about impact of predictive analytics according to healthcare practitioners, read this article.

5 Best Practice Tips To Secure Your Big Data – Smart Data Collective

In this day and age, where literally everything is measured and monitored, there are vast quantities of data generated which can be used in many beneficial ways. The difficulty arises not only in deciding how to analyze the data for useful insights but rather how to protect the information. This article talks about five practices you can undertake to secure big data.

Getting Buy-In for Predictive Analytics in Health Care – Harvard Business Review

According to the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine), the U.S. health care system spends almost a third of its resources -$750 billion annually – on unnecessary services and inefficient care. New predictive analytics tools promise to reduce such waste and improve care. These tools are now being used across the continuum of care, from disease surveillance to chronic disease prevention to identifying patients who are at risk of deterioration. To know more about the transformative power of Predictive Analytics, read this HBR article.

Less Than 1% Churn? It’s Possible – Just Listen to Your Customers – Business to Community

Enriching your data with customer feedback gives you the actionable insights your business needs to turn prospects into customers—and customers into referral-rich advocates. Read the article here –

We hope you have enjoyed this edition of Customer Experience Perspectives!

Be sure to respond in the comments, tweet us at VOZIQ, or follow us on LinkedIn.