
Contact Center Perspectives (3rd February, 2016)

Contact Center Perspectives
Contact Centers

Contact Center Perspectives (3rd February, 2016)

Where do call centers stand today when it comes to customer experience? What do the numbers say? What are the financial implications of running a call center? How do you measure customer experience? There are answers to all these questions and more in this week’s Contact Center Perspectives. We are sure you will have a great time going through them!

ROI of Customer Experience (Infographic) []

If you’ve ever wondered about the connection between customer experience and business results, look no further. This article from Bruce Temkin, a CX expert, sheds lights on the economic benefits of implementing a successful customer experience program. Did you know that good CX correlates with additional purchases? There are plenty of more such interesting observations in this article!

10 Crucial Customer Service Statistics for Contact Centers []

In today’s world, good customer service is the most popular tool to retain customers and improve sales. Many statistics can help you understand the effectiveness of your customer service. The article highlights some of those statistics, such as:

  • Cost of poor customer service
  • Cost of phone support
  • # of loyal customers
  • Multichannel interaction

5 Lessons Learned from Customer Service Failures []

We have been hearing a lot about customer experience lately. Ironically, ASCI scores have been decreasing since last year. What can customer service leaders do to alleviate stress and improve the customer experience? This article tries to highlight some of the failures in the recent past in the customer service sector that can be used to better understand the problems of not only the customers, but across the business environment, and tries to solve them holistically.

Why The Call Center Matters More than Ever []

Investment in omni-channel customer service is a prominent corporate trend. Companies are looking to text, web self-service, instant messaging and just about any other method they can find to deliver a better customer experience. But while all of those channels can be useful in retaining customers and building loyalty, too many brands are not paying enough attention to the most important customer channel they have: the telephone.

In fact, a report from Arizona State University says that customers are 11 times more likely to complain by phone than they are via the web.

There’s no customer experience without customer engagement []

How would you a measure a child’s smile when they play with a toy for the first time? How would you measure the quality of an in-store interaction? This post tries to examine the interrelationship among CRM, CEX, and CEM.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s Contact Center Perspectives, and be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @VOZIQ and follow us on LinkedIn.