AI-Powered Customer Retention

Customer Retention


VOZIQ offers an end-to-end solution to transform customer retention from reactive to proactive by using artificial intelligence and 10+ machine learning models. We have delivered over $750 million in customer lifetime value to our clients.
$ 750 M+
Customer lifetime
value delivered
$ 37 M/Year
Savings in lost customer
replacements cost
8 %+
Retention improvements
per year
140 +
Operational integrations
to drive actions

"VOZIQ has been an invaluable strategic partner for us. They have enabled us to become a data-driven, proactive and customer-centric organization." - Jay Autrey, Chief Customer Officer, Brinks Home - Edmund Mackey, Chief Operating Officer, Aptive VOZIQ's AI is helping us in running targeted retention campaigns. With the new intelligence, we have quickly improved the retention rate which has resulted in nearly $30 million customer lifetime value increase. - Stephanie Gaccetta, Director, Customer Loyalty & Retention, ADT Security "VOZIQ’s AI-driven advanced analytics solutions not only improved contact center agent performance, but also helped in identifying high risk customers proactively, addressing both quick hit opportunities and long term strategic opportunities. The best part is, unlike many software solutions, consultants were instrumental in operationalizing the solution and quantifying the improvements realized..”

Our Customers

Trusted by top recurring revenue, subscription businesses

Our Customers clients
Future of Customer Retention

VOZIQ is like Tesla Autopilot but for the retention needs of recurring revenue businesses. It is powered by state-of-the-art AI for 24×7 monitoring, interpretation, and guidance for timely response to emerging churn risks.

If Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is THE North Star metric for your company, your search for an end-to-end solution stops at VOZIQ.

3X Faster Risk Detection

Addressable and Actionable Signals

Personalized and Profitable Retention

Unlimited Access to VOZIQ Experts

If Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is THE North Star metric for your company, your search for an end-to-end solution stops at VOZIQ.

3X Faster Risk Detection

Addressable and Actionable Signals

Personalized and Profitable Retention

Unlimited Access to VOZIQ Experts

Insights and Best Practices
Ebook (2) (2)

3-Steps to Improve Customer Retention

The guide uses proven methodologies and success stories to help you transform customer retention.

Infographic (2) (2)

VOZIQ AI vs Traditional Retention

Here is how VOZIQ AI is different from traditional customer retention approaches.

Case study (5)

Maximizing CLV through AI

VOZIQ AI’s predictive retention solution helped Brinks Home create over $100 million CLV.

Get Started

Let our solution experts help you kickstart your successful customer retention program


Get your retention strategy assessed

Let us assess your customer retention strategy and help you create a custom retention roadmap powered by AI.


Evaluate VOZIQ AI with a quick proof of value

Our AI solution specialists quickly assess VOZIQ’s fit for your priorities and create and validate a business case.


Let us meet your customer retention goals

Talk to our retention experts to discuss your retention goals and create an AI-driven, profitable retention program at scale