Predictive Price Increase Solution
Increase Prices Without Triggering Churn
Due to the current economic environment, subscription companies are in need to increase revenue from their existing customer base, and they have to do so without triggering customer or revenue attrition.
VOZIQ AI’s Predictive Price Increase solution not only enables businesses to automatically optimize price for every individual customer but also reduces unwanted churn associated with price increases with a smarter AI-powered decisioning engine.
Unlike other solutions available in the market, VOZIQ AI blends predictive intelligence related to churn, NPS, upgrades with pricing optimization. This boosts customer lifetime value (CLV) gains apart from the increase in recurring revenue.
How it fuels growth
Ready-to-go enterprise AI platform
Automated and personalized pricing decisions
API to integrate predictive intelligence into frontline apps
Solution experts to assist in deployment and impact acceleration
VOZIQ AI is offering a free trial of the Predictive Price Increase Solution for a limited time. For more information or to schedule a demo, get in touch with us
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* Limited slots available.
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